Mermaids and Mana Blog

I started writing a blog a few years ago because I wanted to feel more in control. I wanted to feel in control of where I was spending my free time and what I was extending my energy toward. I have always been a lover of nature, spirituality, and wonder. I decided at the time that I would combine my love for energy fulfilling activities, writing, and creativity into a blog. The blog started out as a journal of sorts on things I would do on the weekends that I found to be enjoyable, thus “filling up my cup” so I had enough energy and love to give to others throughout the week.

I discovered over time that the activities usually revolved around doing something outside and was tied to nature. Spending time outside and connecting with nature led to some pretty deep soul-searching. What made me happy? What did success look like to me? What was it that I really wanted out of life? I was surprised to see that my answers were much different than they had been only a few years ago. I realized these answers were my truth and I know now that I had better start aligning my life with my truth if I want to live the life I want. This can be a scary thing though because not everyone may not like it or understand it. But to quote the amazing Glennon Doyle, “What we need right now is more women who have detoxed themselves so completely from the world's expectations that they are full of nothing but themselves. What we need are women who are full of themselves. A woman who is full of herself knows and trusts herself enough to say and do what must be done. She lets the rest burn.”

The above does not point to arrogance or ego, but instead, an unwavering trust in who you are. Too often I have fallen into the trap of identifying who I am with my job, profession, relationship, or role. Women are particularly susceptible to this type of behavior and I am nowhere near an exception. This is something I continue to work on and want to get better at. When people ask what “I do,” I want to be able to respond with something along the lines of “it is not so much what I do, but who I am. I am a  passionate, thoughtful, eco-friendly, and empathetic creative.” My hope is to use this blog to encapsulate my journey as I learn how to use positive energy from the natural world to work toward what I consider success and what my goals are and hopefully encourage others to do the same.

Much love and light,



Reconnecting with Nature in the New Year: The Ultimate Goal for a Healthier, Happier You in 2024